Essential Oil Safety
February 22, 2022
Click Link to Read More on Essential Oil Safety
Small Business Spotlight
By Chris Errol Maw
February 22, 2022
Elgin Veterinary Hospital, a full-service veterinary hospital, is owned by Dr. Emily Hoppmann, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Hoppmann studied Exotic Animal Medicine and Surgery at Stahl Exotic Ve...
Geriatric Diseases in Our Pets and How We Can Help Them Age Gracefully
By Emily Hoppmann, DVM
February 18, 2022
Health care is constantly changing and that is a wonderful thing for all of our pets. Veterinary care as a whole has changed so much since its beginning that the way medicine was practiced 100 y...
Protect Your Senior Pet From Summer Heat
By Emily Hoppmann, DVM
February 3, 2022
As the temperature continues to climb throughout our famously hot southern summers, we need to not only think of ways to keep ourselves comfortable, but also our pets. While pe...