Digital Radiology

Having the latest radiology equipment offers us many advantages. For example, we can provide you with a copy of the x-rays immediately on a CD so that you will always have a copy on hand if an emergency were to arise. It also gives us the ability to email copies of your x-rays to a specialist if you are being referred for a second opinion. This may eliminate the need for the specialist to retake x-rays which lessens the stress on your pet and eliminates additional expenses. Our hospital can also email the images to a veterinary colleague for a consult or an immediate second opinion during your visit. Also, having digital radiographs allow the doctors to manipulate the image taken of your pet so that they can better focus on potential problems areas. For example, these suspicious areas can be magnified and the contrast adjusted, allowing the doctor to obtain the most information possible from the image. This helps to arrive at a correct diagnosis as soon as possible.